Product Release of Subscription Manager M2M v3.1

Following last year's announcement of the first independent implementation of Subscription Manager as beta release, achelos is proud to present its full-featured Subscription Manager product.

The solution consists of SM-DP (Data Preparator) acting as MNO profile warehouse and SM-SR (Secure Router) responsible for secure eSIM management and transport. Both components are fully compliant with GSMA SGP.02 version 3.1.

The product is built upon achelos technology toolbox that is composed of a set of microservices allowing easy creation of product extensions and custom solutions.

The microservice architecture enables flexible deployment scenarios in various environments supporting container orchestration, whether public cloud like Amazon Web Service (AWS) or a private cloud of the party hosting the Subscription Management service in an SAS-SM certified environment(*).

With this offering available on the market, any player interested in the creation of a fully controlled eSIM management infrastructure can rely on achelos as s partner that can enabling this strategy.


(*) SAS-SM: the GSMA's Security Accreditation Scheme for Subscription Manager


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